Word list

This list explains what the bold words in this summary mean.

A person with their hand around someone else. There is a megaphone above them.

Advocacy groups

Advocacy groups speak up for people with disability.

They can:

  • help you have your say
  • give you information and advice.

A disability icon with an arrow pointing up. There is an arrow connecting it to a Census document, with question marks on the document.


The Census is a big survey that collects information about everyone across Australia.

Icons of people speaking languages other than English.

Culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD)

CaLD people:

  • come from different countries and backgrounds
  • speak languages other than English.

Data icon.


When we talk about data, we mean:

  • facts
  • information
  • records.

A person pointing at themselves with a disability icon above them.

Lived experience

When you have lived experience of disability, you:

  • have a disability
  • know what life can be like for people with disability
  • can share your story to help others.

A person holding a clipboard with outcomes written on it.


Outcomes are the important results we want to get for people with disability.

An ID card with the name Jane Doe on it.


When someone collects data about a group of people, they can use the data to make an example of a person from that group.

But the person isn’t real.

We call this example a persona.

A policy document icon has an arrow pointing to an icon of a plan.


A policy is a plan for how we should do things.

Three people, one of them is pointing at themselves.


Providers are organisations that deliver a service.