Word list

This list explains what the bold words in this summary mean.

A human brain with an infinity symbol in it.


Autism is a disability that might affect how you:

  • think and feel
  • communicate
  • connect and deal with others.

An icon of a brain with a warning symbol under it.

Brain injury

A brain injury can happen when someone:

  • has a bad accident
  • hurts their head badly
  • damages their brain.

A group of people having a meeting about a document.


Co-design is when people work together to plan something new.

An icon of a person with a speech bubble and a thought bubble above them.

Cognitive disability

A cognitive disability affects how someone:

  • thinks
  • communicates
  • understands
  • remembers.

A person pointing at themselves. There is an icon of a consent form with a tick on it.


When you give your consent, you say it’s okay to do something.

Culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD)

CaLD people:

A group of people from different countries and backgrounds.

  • come from different countries or backgrounds

Speech bubbles with languages other than English in them.

  • speak languages other than English.

Icons of a tick, an information symbol and a folder saying Records.


When we talk about data, we mean:

  • facts
  • information
  • records.

A group of people having a meeting around a laptop.

Focus groups

A focus group is a group of people who meet to talk about their experiences and opinions.

A government building with an arrow pointing. There is a money icon next to the arrow, and its pointing towards two people talking.


Funding is money from the government.

A person is helping someone else with writing in a booklet. Both are smiling.

Intellectual disability

An intellectual disability affects how someone can:

  • learn new things
  • solve problems
  • communicate
  • do things on their own.

A person holding a document with an importance symbol on it. There is a disability symbol above them.


Outcomes are the important results we want to get for people with disability.

A person in a wheelchair pointing at themselves.

Physical disability

A physical disability affects how someone moves and uses their body.

A person with their finger to their lips.


Privacy means keeping your information safe and private.

Three people pointing at themselves.


A provider supports other people by delivering a service.

A person talking to a psychologist.

Psychosocial disability

A psychosocial disability comes from a person’s mental health.

A group of people pointing at themselves with their hands raised.

Research participant

A research participant is someone who takes part in a research project.

We also call them participants.