2. What data should be used for

A person with their hand raised and a speech bubble.

We asked participants to share what they think people should use their data for.

A group of people having a meeting.

Participants told us their data should help the disability community.

And people with disability should be involved if this happens.

A person giving information with a number 1 next to the information icon. There is a person recording what they are saying on a clipboard.

Participants explained that data can make it easier to plan supports.

For example, you might only need to share your information one time.

A person can choose between a tick and a cross but they choose the cross.

But participants wanted choice and control about sharing their own data.

A person giving support to someone else.

Participants told us sharing their data can help them get supports they need.

Two people looking at a document with a thumbs up icon above them.

Participants explained that researchers also use data to make disability services better.

They also shared that data can help work out:

A person giving a thumbs up.

  • if programs are working well

A government building with an arrow pointing. There is a money icon next to the arrow, and its pointing towards two people talking.

  • what services need more funding.

Funding is money from the government.

A person with a speech bubble. They are pointing at themselves.

Participants also shared that people need to collect stories from people with disability to support the data.

What data shouldn’t be used for

A person with their hand raised saying stop.

We also asked participants to share what they think their data shouldn’t be used for.

A person looking worried, scratching their head.

Participants don’t want their data to be used against them.

For example, using their data to make people with disability look bad.

A group of people looking at a document.

And they said the NDDA must manage their data carefully.

A person thinking about three different people.

Participants explained that providers shouldn’t use data to choose one type of service they think will help all people with disability.

They want providers to think about what each person needs.

A person with disability pointing to a laptop screen, showing someone else what they think.

Participants also said people with disability should be part of making decisions about collecting and using data.

A person is looking pleased while behind them, someone is looking very upset. There is a cross above them.

And some participants explained that data shouldn’t be used to take advantage of people with disability.

A person pointing at themselves. They have two speech bubbles with a disability icon and a thumbs down icon, with a cross on top of it.

One participant explained that data must be used well to make sure people don’t use it to say bad things about people with disability.

A data icon with a person looking at a document.

Another participant said they worry about people collecting and sharing information that wasn’t helpful.